Svetlana Sokolovskaya – Artist

Svetlana Sokolovskaya – Artist

They force to feel me the criminal! My intimate art regularly is exposed to discrimination from party Facebook and Instagram. Photos of art works have been removed and have been blocked access to an account for a month. It is a considerable damage to my work and mentality. The image of action of universal property under a ban. And why feelings/emotions of sexual character should be lewd/cynical/rough? And where the difference of lust and feeling at one and other people and than it is defined? The image on a canvas plane in itself not a subject lewd. Associativity of sexual feelings arises in a brain of the spectator, and these feelings have what shade (lewd/cynical/rough or sexual) it depends on specific features of everyone. A female vagina the same body, a part of a body with the function as all other – ear a nose a hand a foot. Why it cannot be represented? Than genitals are guilty if in your head by all means dirty thoughts and why it necessarily should be interpreted as dirty are born? 

What now there was secret in the person with ubiquitous videocameras, global a tracking, plastic cards, total control? Our society is a crowd of "naked kings" owning modern gadgets but which jealously watch observance of medieval traditions. But creative people humiliate and offend by the ignorance a small group of sexually uncertain people in which hands there was a power in the Internet community.

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AdeY – Photographer

AdeY – Photographer

Olivia Dwyer – Fashion and Textile Designer

Olivia Dwyer – Fashion and Textile Designer